Friday, May 22, 2009

Ingrown Hair

Everyone will get an ingrown hair at some point in there life. An ingrown hair is when a hair grows or curls back sideways into the skin. It does not always cause an infection. Ingrown hairs are commonly found where an area has been shaved on the body. Symptoms of an ingrown hair include: inflammation, rash, itching of the skin, and sometimes it is accompanied by pus.


  • If you can see it thru the skin, take a warm compress to it. This will soften the skin. Then take sterilized tweezers and tweeze the lil sucker out. Once it is out apply alcohol or an astringent and pat area. NOTE: if you cannot see it thru the skin do not go digging for it. It's a possibility it is not an ingrown hair.

  • One easy way to prevent them is to use an electric razor

  • When shaving, try shaving toward the grain instead of against it And don't pull the skin while shaving

  • Putting a warm damp cloth on your face after shaving for just a few minutes will help soften the hair. Use an aftershave lotion. This will soften the hair as well and is less likely to turn into an ingrown hair.

  • Exfoliate on a regular basis. This removes the upper layer of dead skin

Monday, May 18, 2009

Teeth Whitening

Many people out in the world have stained or discolored teeth. People are always looking for simple and safe ways to whiten them. Different things cause your teeth to be discolored. It can be the things you eat or drink such as: highly pigmented foods, tea, juices that are high in acid, and coffee. Teeth dicoloring also comes with age and the types of medications you may take.

  • Try using a mouthwash, it has antibacterial action as well as helping to reduce stains.

  • Cleaning your teeth regularly will help reduce stains.

  • Rinse, Rinse, Rinse! Rinse after every meal

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda enough to make a paste. Be careful and do not put to much peroxide,it may cause the gums to burn. If u can help it try not to brush the gums.

  • Brushing with lemon drops is also an effective home remedy

  • Strawberries are a good natural teeth whitener. Rub teeth with strawberries daily for a whiter smile.

  • Rubbing the teeth with the inside of an orange peel is effective.

  • Take a half a teaspoon of vinegar, half a teaspoon of baking soda, and a pinch of table salt. Mix together and brush teeth. This will whiten your teeth and it will be bacteria free.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Everyone knows if you are out in the sun for a long period of time that you can get sunburnt. Especially, if your not soaking your body with sunscreen. Here are a few soothing treatments for sunburn:

  • Take an aspirin, it will help with the itching and swelling, as well as the pain.

  • Apply a soothing compress. You can use a cloth by soaking it with:
  1. Cold water from the faucet and can add a few ice cubes
  2. Skim Milk(this is very soothing for the burn) Mix 4 cups of water with 1 cup of skim milk apply with compress for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  3. Oatmeal Bath- you can usually find the Aveeno Oatmeal Baths in the Health Dept at your local store
  4. Witch Hazel is also good. Apply it to cloth and apply as often as needed for relief
  • For larger areas try taking a cool bath. Do not rub your skin when you dry off, be sure to pat dry. You can add 1 cup of white vinegar to your bath water, as well as baking soda. This should give some relief.
  • Keep your skin moisturized(try chilling your moisturize before you apply)
  • Soothe the irritation and inflammation with hydrocortizone creams, ointments or sprays
  • Drink lots of water. It counteracts the drying affect
  • Eat Healthy. A well balanced diet will help the skin get its nurtrients to regenerate itself.
  • Take plain yogurt and apply to all sunburned areas. This can be soothing and cooling. Rinse off in a cool shower and pat skin dry.
  • Try the classic aloe vera

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hiccups are one of those annoying useless things that everyone goes through. You go through it from the time you are in the womb until the rest of your life. Most hiccups will stop on there own in a few minutes, but in some cases they don't.

Some cause of the hiccups include:
  • Heartburn
  • Infection
  • Hot and Spicy Foods
  • Eating Fast
  • Smoking
  • Irritation of the eardrum
  • Bloating
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol

Simple Home Remedies for the Hiccups:

  • Eating a teaspoon full of sugar
  • The classic "holding your breath" and exhale slowly
  • Fill a glass of water, bending forward and drinking the water upside down
  • Eating a tablespoon full of peanut butter
  • Sip ice water quickly
  • Gargle with water
  • Close eyes and gently press your eyeballs
  • Compress the cheest by pulling the knees up or leaning forward
  • Drink a lot of water, burp. Repeat until hiccups are gone or try inhaling air and burping.

If your hiccups do not cease and continue for more than 24 hrs, you should see a doctor

Saturday, May 09, 2009


Acne is a common and chronic skin disorder. The pores of the skin become clogged with dirt, oil, and other toxins. Acne is usually found on the skin of the face, neck, and shoulders.

Acne affects people from teenage years to the middle ages and beyond.

Acne consists of:
  • Pimples
  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads

Acne is classified into four classes with the first class being mild with a few black heads and whiteheads. As in the fourth class acne is consisted of: whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, cysts, and is often accompanied by severe inflammation that can turn red or purple. If this persists its suggested that you consult your dermatologist.


  • For women you might want to consider changing your make-up. Your make-up could be the root of your problem, especially if you wear an "oil-based" make-up. The oils clog your pores which leads to acne. Try a non-oil based make-up if you are prone to acne.

  • Also, make sure you wash and rinse your face thoroughly every night. Be sure to use a mild soap twice a day and make sure all soap residue is rinsed off completely.

  • Be sure to read your side effects label on your medication, this could be the cause of your acne

  • Put lemon juice on your acne regularly. This will reduce acne

  • Grate cucumbers and apply to eyes, face, and neck for atleast 15 to 20 mins. Do this on a regular basis it helps to prevent blackheads and pimples

  • Simply apply egg yolk to affected area and let dry for 10 mins. An eyeshadow brush or a childs paint brush can be used to apply. Do this for 7 days or often as needed.

Most Importantly

Eating a well balanced diet will help prevent acne. Stay away from the starchs, sugars and greasy foods. Stick with fruits and veggies.

Just remember that every remedy may not work the same as it does for the next person.

The Lovely Life of Me

Hello All!

My name is Carissa. I am 23 years old and from Johnson City,TN right in the middle of the Great Smoky Mountains. It is a beautiful place to live. I am a very outgoing person. I love to be with my family and friends they're what makes my world go 'round. Also, I love to travel and be on the go. Summer is the best season ever!! Being able to be out in the warm weather and being able to do stuff like camping, going to amusement parks, going to the beach and just being able to enjoy the nice rays of sunshine is the life.

I hope my site Simple Home Remedies will come to use for you and whomever else. If there is any specific things you would like me to post that will benefit you or anyone else. Please feel free to let me know. I will do my best to help each and everyone out.

Thanks for visiting!!